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Fast Forward to Hope

De : Indira Kaur Ahluwalia
Lu par : Indira Kaur Ahluwalia
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    Most people see a stage IV cancer diagnosis as the end of their story, but not author Indira Kaur Ahluwalia. For her, that was just the beginning.

    Fast Forward to Hope: Choosing to Build the Power of Self recounts Indira’s journey from fear to hope as she struggled to face various challenges, particularly related to her advanced breast cancer diagnosis. Bolstered by her strength of fighting cancer, she fully discovered her true capacity and reconsidered life choices to create the reality she desired. This book is an homage to the journey of life. It is a tribute to the struggle of finding one’s own power, and cultivating life’s trajectory.

    Beyond walking with her as she shares her story, you’ll find insights and strategies she learned along the way that can be applied to your struggles whether they be medical diagnoses or other stumbling blocks life puts in your path. Whatever the odds, you can choose to find the courage to build on the smallest shred of hope to live life on your own terms. Fast Forward to Hope is for anyone ready to look at their challenges in a new light.

    Recognition includes:

    • Memoir Prize for Books 2022 Winner in the Survival/Cancer Category
    • American Book Festival 2022 Best Book Awards Finalist in the Health/Cancer Category
    • Independent Author’s Network 2022 Book of The Year Awards Finalist in Health/Medicine Category
    ©2021 Indira Kaur Ahluwalia (P)2022 Indira Kaur Ahluwalia


    Fast Forward to Hope is overflowing with so much wisdom, insight, heart and life counsel, applicable not only to Ms. Ahluwalia's particular situation, but to the life challenges we all face. Her willingness to speak so frankly, openly and entertainingly about cancer, divorce, parenthood, loss and faith resonated with my own diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and other setbacks, and I only wish her book had been around then to help me work through it.” (Ambassador Don Steinberg, expert advisor to the administrator of the US Agency for International Development)

    “I am glad that Indira Kaur Ahluwalia’s heroic tale is now available as an audiobook in her own voice to inspire those who face extreme adversity. Three miracles worked in her favour, the miracle of faith, the miracle of family bonds, and the miracle of modern medicine, which gave her the courage to overcome her ordeal. There cannot be a better role model for a brave battle against a malady.” (TP Sreenivasan, former ambassador of India and author)

    “With a new cancer diagnosis, I turned to Fast Forward to Hope. While our journeys were quite different, I found Indira Ahluwalia's messages of faith, positivity, and determination to live resonated strongly with me. I am sure others will feel the same.” (Neil Levine, certified professional coach)

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