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  • Far-Right Vanguard

  • The Radical Roots of Modern Conservatism (Politics and Culture in Modern America)
  • De : John S. Huntington
  • Lu par : Gary Roelofs
  • Durée : 12 h et 14 min

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Far-Right Vanguard

De : John S. Huntington
Lu par : Gary Roelofs
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    In Far-Right Vanguard, John Huntington shows how, for almost a century, the far right has forced so-called "respectable" conservatives to grapple with their concerns, thereby intensifying right-wing thought and forecasting the trajectory of American politics. Ultraconservatives of the 20th century were the vanguard of modern conservatism as it exists in the Republican Party of today.

    Far-Right Vanguard chronicles the history of the ultraconservative movement, its national network, its influence on Republican Party politics, and its centrality to America's rightward turn during the second half of the 20th century. Often marginalized as outliers, the far right grew out of the same ideological seedbed that nourished mainstream conservatism. Ultraconservatives were true reactionaries, dissenters seeking to peel back the advance of the liberal state, hoping to turn one of the major parties, if not a third party, into a bastion of true conservatism.

    In the process, ultraconservatives left a deep imprint upon the cultural and philosophical bedrock of American politics. Ultimately, the far right's politics of dissent—against racial progress, federal power, and political moderation—laid the groundwork for the aggrieved, vitriolic conservatism of the 21st century.

    The book is published by University of Pennsylvania Press. The audiobook is published by University Press Audiobooks.

    ©2021 University of Pennsylvania Press (P)2022 Redwood Audiobooks


    "Thoughtful and engaging… Huntington offers valuable background and context for the ultraconservatism of today." (The Washington Post)

    "Offers the fullest portrait yet of the ultraconservative mobilization of the 20th century." (The Nation)

    "Essential reading." (Nicole Hemmer, author of Messengers of the Right: Conservative Media and the Transformation of American Politics)

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