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Couverture de Fantasy Expert

Fantasy Expert

De : Ron Shandler
Lu par : BJ Harrison
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    An entertaining and incisive chronicle from one of the foremost authorities in fantasy baseball

    Ron Shandler is a self-described rotoholic. In the beginning, he hoarded newspaper box scores and pored over every number at his disposal. Then came the compulsion to create his own numbers. A monthly newsletter expanded into an annual Baseball Forecaster book, which spawned a media company, websites, tournaments, and more.

    Part memoir, part madcap history, Fantasy Expert is a fascinating and wide-ranging look at the modern growth and development of the game that went from cottage industry to national obsession.

    In chronicling his own escalating journey from rotisserie baseball hobbyist to professional authority, Shandler tells parallel tales of the rise of fantasy sports, the expanding baseball information industry, the increasingly sophisticated technology employed to gain an edge, and the fellow rotoholics who make it all possible. He also delves into the impact of fantasy baseball on the sport of baseball itself.

    Written with humor, honesty, and a deep passion for baseball, this is a must-listen for anyone interested in the history, progression, and future of fantasy baseball.

    ©2024 Ron Shandler (P)2024 HighBridge, a division of Recorded Books
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