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Couverture de Fantastik


De : C. A. McGroarty
Lu par : Francis G. Kearney
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    Destiny.... Charlie Boone's will be found on a cross country trip with a complete stranger, but why?

    Jake Mott, an ex-con convicted of murder, and Charlie Boone, a city bus driver on the brink of insanity, are complete strangers; however, when their worlds collide, both of their lives are forever changed.

    Born the son of a schizophrenic woman, Charlie lives in his boyhood home with his wife and two kids, caring for his sick mother. Tormented by unsettling dreams and frightening visions since childhood, the thought that he shares the same affliction as her is beginning to look like a reality.

    Having spent the last three decades in prison, Jake is planning a trip to California to reclaim a bag of money he buried thirty years ago, and he's making the trip alone...or so he thinks.

    Together they embark on an epic journey of hope and redemption, but only one will live to tell about it.

    Fans of Stephen King, Cormac McCarthy, John Irving will love this gripping suspense thriller filled with an amazing plot, extraordinary characters, and insight into two troubled souls.

    Scroll up and grab a copy of Fantastik today.

    ©8 C. A. McGroarty (P)2022 C. A. McGroarty

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