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Couverture de Falling in Love with Your Soul

Falling in Love with Your Soul

De : Stephen David Hyne
Lu par : Daniel C-M Ryder
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    Loving life means loving who you are by cultivating an affinity with your heart and soul. Words are easy to say as they roll off the tongue or a printed page. But to feel it and live it is the ultimate dimension.

    Sincerely, I encourage you to love everything about yourself, even your wonky nose, funny laugh, and unique perception of reality. Love it, claim it, and be it from within. There will never be another you in this moment so own it, flaunt it, and throw away all those outdated lies you are holding onto.

    Throughout your life people will give you their opinions. I remember clearly on the day of my young wife's funeral that a person voiced a ridiculous opinion that really hurt. This will happen on your journey because others are not you and they are not loving their life to the fullest with internal projections. A seed grows only when it is watered regularly with sunshine and plenty of nutrients. You too can grow and fully blossom, using regular love intertwined with the eternal love of this wonderful planet to open your heart.

    Imagine the roots of a healthy plant that seeks and embraces the nutrients to support its whole being. Fall in love with life and with every day of being yourself. Remove the weeds in your conscious thoughts by tuning into your heart. This sacred space will provide everything you need to love yourself unconditionally so you can love the universe with the authentic you in your soul.

    The journey through this audiobook will cover the vital steps to fall in love with yourself and connect your heart to your soul. When the seas are rising and pushing you off course, throw down an anchor to your heart. Connect to your heart and soul from within, despite the storms in your external world. The universal love has no limits so long as you allow compassion to conquer your fears. The sacred heart is your haven and will take you to calmer shores of peace. This place is full of love so that you can shine a light on the dark phases of your journey. Engage wholly as you seek to uncover your strengths and weaknesses and navigate through the cycle of life by fully loving yourself.

    ©2023 Stephen David Hyne (P)2023 Stephen David Hyne

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