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Falling: Adalta, Vol III

De : Sherrill Nilson
Lu par : Amy Deuchler
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My brother tried to kill me three times, at least three times. I understand. I watched him all my life. Watched how he coped with being the only person on Adalta with no magic, the magic we call talent. Watched how he coped with being the oldest son and not the heir because he had no talent. He learned to defend himself with swords, the one in his scabbard and the one in his wit. He learned to earn the respect of his men despite his terrible handicap.

I wondered at his ability to live a full life without even the talent of a farmhand who can barely encourage a few seeds to sprout and grow. I loved him. He tormented me, true, but isn’t that what older brothers are born to do? He never hurt me, not until the assassination attempts began. I loved him even then. I still do. He’s all the family I have.

He cannot have done what so many others believe he’s done. He cannot have. Whatever others think, he’s a victim. He’s the controlled, not the controller. I know when we kill the Itza Larrak, he’ll be free.

Somehow, I will free him. Guardian Daryl Me'Vere needs to finish the battle with the ancient alien which threatens to destroy the planet and deal with his traitorous brother.

Cedar Evans escapes death when her research pod blows away from the space ship hovering over the planet, The ship is failing, and she must convince the other ship officers and relocate thousands from the ship to the planet, help Daryl make Adalta safe from the alien, and find a way to deal with his evil brother.

©2019 Sherrill Nilson (P)2020 Sherrill Nilson
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