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Couverture de Fall Back and Find Me

Fall Back and Find Me

De : Sarah Hanks
Lu par : Camryn McGlynn
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    Two resilient women separated by over 150 years are linked forever by their challenges, values, and determination.

    Amber Prichard is thriving in her role as pastor’s wife, mom, and indispensable church volunteer—until chronic illness threatens to upend everything. Now unable to prove her value, she is forced to reevaluate how she defines herself. Inspired by an ancestor’s faded journal and heirlooms, she must work with her arch-nemesis if she wants to accomplish what is now impossible on her own.

    Faced with the turmoil of the civil war, Willow Forrester didn’t intend to illegally enlist in the Union army as a secret female soldier. She only wanted to escape her father’s tyranny and follow her brother into the throes of adventure. When she comes face to face with the leader of a guerilla army, her health and insecurities threaten to shatter her heroism and render her powerless.

    As their opposition threatens to overtake them, these two women must find their strength and identity to defeat impossible odds.

    ©2023 Sarah Hanks (P)2024 Sarah Hanks

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