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Couverture de Fake It Till You Make It

Fake It Till You Make It

De : Anne Harper
Lu par : Kathryn Lynhurst
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    Sloane De Carlo is going to have to move to Antarctica.

    As if it wasn't bad enough that she accidentally made her private blog very public, and all her innermost secrets and embarrassing moments are trending, now the entirety of the internet is dying to know who her all-consuming, never-get-over-him crush "Guy" really is. She's even got a literary agent dangling a book deal in front of her nose - but there's a catch. She'll have to get closure with "Guy" and give her story that pitch-perfect ending.

    Too bad the real "Guy" is engaged to someone else. #Blessed

    The only person in her teeny hometown of Arbor Bay who knows the truth is local bartender Brady Knox. And he's not telling...for a price. He'll pretend to be Sloane's "Guy" if she'll use her newfound internet fame to bring more business to his struggling local bar. Brady's always been a lone wolf, but there's something about the pint-sized, supremely awkward yet beautiful Sloane that charms him.

    But keeping secrets in a small town like Arbor Bay isn't easy. And Brady was never meant to be the guy for a pitch-perfect ending....

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2020 Tyler Collins (P)2021 Tantor

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