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  • Faith and the Marketplace

  • Becoming the Person of Influence God Intended You to Be
  • De : Bill Winston
  • Lu par : Boise Holmes
  • Durée : 9 h et 9 min

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Faith and the Marketplace

De : Bill Winston
Lu par : Boise Holmes
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    You have a kingdom mission - this is your playbook!

    Whether you work as a plumber or politician, manager, or metal-worker - where you work is your mission field. Believe it or not, your business was created for kingdom business. 

    There is a level of fruitfulness and authority in which God wants you to operate. This life-transforming message has been revised to provide you with new insights on how you can be a person of tremendous influence in the arena where God has placed you. 

    This kingdom leadership playbook promises to catapult you to the next level of your career, profession, business, or ministry. Learn how to build your faith in God and understand his perfect plan for your life. Your faith was never meant to be separated from your work or business life. 

    Using both scripture and personal stories, Bill Winston will show you how God is restoring this unbeatable team of kings and priests to advance his kingdom and transform the marketplace through the superior principles of faith and fruitfulness. 

    ©2020 Bill Winston (P)2021 Bill Winston

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