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Couverture de Faith Rider

Faith Rider

De : Josh Bryant
Lu par : Luke deMaine
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    When the waves of impossibilities are raging a war against you...

    “I know, I’ve been there too! My world was turned upside down!” (Josh Bryant, author)

    The pursuit to simply feel normal again as anxiety, fear, doubt, and disappointment consumed his mind and drove Josh Bryant to be relentless in seeking real answers from God. He was done with cultural “religious” talk and clichés.

    Faith Rider is the revealing journey into a life of ridiculous faith. When things fell apart for Josh Bryant, the Lord got his attention. Through his gut-wrenching trials, God led him into discoveries that invited the Holy Spirit’s power to work sudden miracles. When Josh felt he was losing, he was actually winning. God was miraculously intervening to reverse what seemed completely hopeless.

    In Faith Rider, Josh pours out his soul at every moment. Story after story he reveals potent principles rarely implemented but right in front of our eyes in Scriptures. He tackles many personal topics including:

    • Strategically battling against fear and anxiety. Faith over fear.
    • Overcoming the mountain of doubt when everything appears hopeless.
    • Feeling like God tricked you after taking a step of faith that miserably failed.
    • Waiting on a promise from God that feels imminent yet seems to drag on endlessly.
    • Fighting voices to hear God’s voice through the flood of destructive thoughts.
    • Enduring hardships while anticipating the breakthrough.

    Josh describes Faith Rider as the result of a 20-year-long spiritual “boot camp”. He relentlessly searched God’s word to implement a personalized battle plan to victory through each unexpected trial. His stories are raw, heartbreaking, humorous, but loaded with redemption.

    Get it now.

    ©2021 Josh Bryant (P)2021 Josh Bryant

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