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Couverture de Exploring the Gifts of the Spirit

Exploring the Gifts of the Spirit

De : John Michael Talbot, Steve Rabey
Lu par : Robert Kiefer
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    What Does Ancient Wisdom Have to Do with Our Daily Lives?

    Famed songwriter and musician John Michael Talbot - an early proponent of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement - weaves together prayer, biblical teaching, songs, and contemplative thought to examine the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Topics include: tongues and its interpretation, healing, miracles, prophecy, and discernment

    Talbot skillfully introduces listeners to wisdom from varied saints and church leaders, biblical studies, theology, and church history, helping believers moor their spiritual experience to God's truth. Written in a personal, compelling tone, Exploring the Gifts of the Spirit presents ancient wisdom with an accessible, down-to-earth, practical approach.

    ©2020 John Michael Talbot (P)2020 Thomas Nelson

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