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  • Exploring Creation with Physical Science (4th Edition)

  • De : Vicki Dincher
  • Lu par : Laura Welsh
  • Durée : 13 h et 28 min

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Exploring Creation with Physical Science (4th Edition)

De : Vicki Dincher
Lu par : Laura Welsh
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    Apologia’s Physical Science course has everything that students need to complete this course and successfully transition into high school biology, chemistry, and physics. Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 4th Edition teaches an introduction to properties of matter, atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonds, reactions, motion, forces, energy, waves, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, Earth’s structure, weathering, atmosphere, chemistry and physics in the life sciences, and finally physical science research. Students will complete labs and hands-on projects throughout the course for an immersive learning experience with practical application.

    Written from a biblical worldview, Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 4th Edition, bridges middle and high school science courses and creates a solid foundation to prepare students for higher-level science courses. Advanced concepts presented throughout the course provide students with optional opportunities to enhance their learning and challenge their mastery of physical science.

    Dive Deeper with Advanced Concepts

    In each module, students can dive deeper into more challenging content with a new component called Advanced Concepts. These sections allow science-minded students to challenge themselves and expand their learning with additional rich content, study guide questions, and test questions. This new design feature makes the course adaptable to students at a variety of learning levels.

    ©2024 Vicki Dincher and Apologia Educational Ministries (P)2024 Apologia Educational Ministries

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