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Couverture de Exits


De : Stephen Pollock
Lu par : Stephen Pollock
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    Stephen C. Pollock's poetry collection Exits explores the beauty and frailty of life, the cycles of nature, and the promise of renewal. Musical and multilayered, the poems in Exits have drawn comparisons to the poetry of Seamus Heaney and the sonnets of William Shakespeare.

    Exits has been honored with the Gold Medal for poetry in the 2023 Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards and the Silver Medal for poetry in the 2024 Feathered Quill Book Awards. The poems in Exits comprise a meditation on life’s transience. Many of the images are drawn from nature. In addition, each poem is paired with a piece of artwork intended to resonate with the writing and enhance the listener's experience.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Stephen Pollock (P)2024 Stephen Pollock


    "Pollock's poetry is brilliant"—Kristiana Reed, editor-in-chief, Free Verse Revolution

    Midwest Book Review declares: “Exits is a book that has profoundly impacted the literary world.”

    "Exits exemplifies the musicality of language"—Foreword-Clarion Reviews

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