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Couverture de Executive Order No. 9066

Executive Order No. 9066

De : Sollace Freeman
Lu par : Steve Bramham
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    In "Executive Order No. 9066: The Terrible Injustice of 1942," author Sollace Freeman transports listeners back to the tumultuous era of World War II, where the Horito family finds themselves ensnared in the dark web of internment camps and patriotic duty.

    Set in 1940s San Francisco, the Horito family—Bunta, his wife Sandra, their children Gerald and Rachel, and the grandparents Hauto and Aiko—lead an ordinary life until the ominous specter of Executive Order 9066 looms over their community. In a harrowing turn of events, they are among the 127,000 Japanese and Japanese Americans herded into isolated internment camps, forced to leave behind their livelihoods and possessions with only what they can carry.

    Gerald, our young protagonist, narrates their journey from the makeshift confines of Tanforan Assembly Center to the unforgiving desolation of Topaz internment camp amidst the Utah desert's biting winds and blistering heat. Gerald grapples with loss, resilience, and the bitter taste of betrayal. As winter's icy grip claims his grandparents, Gerald's resolve crystallizes into a daring plan—to escape and seek retribution against the nation that wronged them. Gerald, now under the guise of David, embarks on a treacherous path to Japan, where he undergoes clandestine training and emerges as a reluctant agent poised for sabotage.

    With his team, David infiltrates the heart of America's war machine, intent on sabotaging America’s secret project in Los Alamos, NM. Amidst the chaos of his mission, David confronts a moral crossroads that threatens to unravel his convictions.

    "Executive Order No. 9066" is not merely a historical novel; it's a poignant testament to the indomitable human spirit amidst the shadows of injustice and the enduring power of hope in the face of despair. Through twists and turns spanning continents and conscience, Freeman crafts a tale that resonates with echoes of courage, sacrifice, and, ultimately, the triumph of the human heart.

    ©2024 Sollace Freeman (P)2024 Sollace Freeman

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