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Couverture de Execute


De : Samuel Fleming
Lu par : Ron Butler
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    For this cyborg, power is just an upgrade away.

    Emmett is used to being caught between college and his engineering internship, but when he gets caught between a powerful hero and an even stronger villain, he becomes collateral damage. Instead of dying, he wakes up a cyborg—a melding of flesh and machine. Turns out his boss wasn't just an eccentric inventor, and the old man just gave him a shining opportunity to be a hero.

    Except that's just the beginning, and things are about to get a lot more complicated.

    His boss has his own agenda. The boss's daughter has her own power armor. His roommate works for an evil corporation.

    And Emmett is just a Class 1 hero.

    Superheroes aren't just masks—some work for corporations, for the government and the military, and even as mercenaries in wars. Shadowy cabals pull the strings of hero and villain alike. The city of Belport might be peaceful for now, but most of the world is in turmoil. If Emmett is going to have any chance at making a difference, he needs to get stronger. A lot stronger.

    How much of his humanity will he hold onto, and how much will he trade away?

    Execute is book two in a new superhero progression fantasy series. This series features a zero-to-hero protagonist, dystopian intrigue, superhero action, occasional swearing and gore, and Ship of Theseus-style power progression.

    ©2023 Samuel Fleming (P)2024 Podium Audio

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