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Exceeding Customer Expectations

De : Brad Worthley
Lu par : Brad Worthley
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Businesses can no longer have the goal of meeting the customer's expectations; the goal today must be to exceed them. What does that look like from the customer's perspective? Brad will entertain you with great stories and hilarious examples of businesses that step out of the box and find ways to wow the customer. You will walk away with actionable information with which to make changes yourself. Targeted to anyone, from any industry, at any level.
©2008 Brad Worthley (P)2008 Made For Success
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Brad Worthley is an accomplished business owner and management consultant, who has more than three decades of experience in the field. With the nuance of a great storyteller, Mr. Worthley perfectly explains his message of exceeding the expectation of customers. While listening you will quickly understand how a little personalized service can go a long way. From big things like addressing customers' needs, rather than bombarding them with information, to small thing like greeting customers by name, or offering to carry their bags - which turned shopping at one of the largest superchains in the country into a more human experience than patronizing some mom-and-pop grocers. This audio will be an asset to any business owner or manager.

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