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Couverture de Evolution


De : Matt Conant, Lauren Cipollo
Lu par : Amy Hutchins
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    A conspiracy threatens everyone in the colonized worlds.

    Only they can stop it.

    In a distant future, advancements in cybernetics and gene-splicing have resulted in a dozen different variants of humanity. Now, a band of renegades find themselves entangled in a conspiracy that could doom everybody in the colonized worlds.

    Marooned at the edge of Terran space, engineer Hemlocke Shaw must join forces with his sworn enemy and combat his greatest fears in an effort to save his friends, and the countless other souls on the isolated Outpost 21. And corporate Peacekeeper Paige Angstrom, teenage outcast Volara, and bounty hunter Emrald Re hurtle towards a secret research facility hidden in the volcanic wilds. As they fight to unmask the nefarious forces behind a ring of disappearances and gene-splicing experiments, it becomes clear that their failure will mean the end of humanity itself in the face of something even more horrific.

    All the while, a strange force beyond their understanding is pulling them all together, and a mysterious organization lurks, manipulating humanity’s strings from the shadows.

    A riveting space adventure, the Parallax series will transport you to a universe teeming with adventure, where ordinary individuals become beacons of hope in the face of oppression.

    ©2024 Aethon Book (P)2024 Aethon Audio

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