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  • Everyday English Conversations to Help You Learn English - Week 1/Week 2

  • Adam’s Semester in England (Fortnight)
  • De : Dialog Abroad Books
  • Lu par : Mark Dunham
  • Durée : 2 h

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Everyday English Conversations to Help You Learn English - Week 1/Week 2

De : Dialog Abroad Books
Lu par : Mark Dunham
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    Improve your daily English conversation skills with more than 1500 lines of dialog related to topics that appear and reappear effortlessly; as they do in real life. This lets you understand and learn how to phrase things differently, depending on the context of each conversation.

    Play the role of Adam as you talk to friends and family, travel around Nottingham, order delicious food, go shopping, visit interesting places, and learn about the English culture; all while learning English effortlessly and enjoyably.

    This series will help you ask questions and create responses, with hundreds of ready-to-use English phrases linked together in 20 bite-sized chapters.

    Hours of conversation practice without the need for a language partner.

    Topics in Weeks 1 and 2:

    • Meeting new people
    • Things in an apartment
    • Ordering food in a restaurant
    • Asking for directions
    • Shopping in a department store
    • Grocery shopping
    • History of Nottingham
    • Watching TV
    • Working out at the gym
    • Buying books at the bookstore
    • And many more

    These everyday conversation books are aimed at English language learners from A1 to B1 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Some knowledge of English grammar is required. But no matter your level, you will find the text engaging and challenging. For beginners and intermediate learners, a list of vocabulary words is given at the end of each chapter.

    Follow Adam's story, and have the confidence to converse like a native English speaker.

    ©2018 Dialog Abroad Books (P)2021 Dialog Abroad Books

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