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  • Everybody Loves Grace

  • An Amazing True Story of How Grace Brings Love to Everyone She Meets
  • De : Katy McQuaid
  • Lu par : Jill Cofsky
  • Durée : 23 min

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Everybody Loves Grace

De : Katy McQuaid
Lu par : Jill Cofsky
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    An amazingly true story that captures the heart as it moves us from laughter to tears and teaches us to believe in the power of love.

    This is a story of one dog's ability to love unconditionally and maintain her courage through periods of uncertainty. It is a story that you will want to go on forever and ever. 

    At the age of four, Grace embarked on a journey from her home on a farm to the city life of Denver, Colorado. The journey, as it is told through Grace's eyes, is one of adventure and optimism. With her everyday wit and ability to comfort those she meets, this story will find a special place in your heart. Grace sees each day as an opportunity to look deeply into people's eyes and let them know they are loved. In return, Everybody Loves Grace. 

    Everybody Loves Grace is a story of a love so deep it helps us realize that although we may not know what life has in store for us, we can turn uncertain situations into positive experiences. Grace teaches us how simple acts of kindness could change lives and can have a profound effect on others. All it takes is for Grace to look into someone's eyes for a healing through a personal connection of love. Grace's story gives children the courage to move forward through life's changes and know that things will be okay. Grace also reminds us that every day is an adventure whether it's routine walks around the neighborhood or road trips to the mountains.

    ©2018 Katy McQuaid (P)2018 Katy McQuaid
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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