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Couverture de Everybody, Always for Kids

Everybody, Always for Kids

De : Bob Goff, Lindsey Goff Viducich, Diane Le Feyer - illustrator
Lu par : Bob Goff
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    If you loved Bob Goff's New York Times best-selling book Everybody, Always, you'll enjoy sharing the same beautiful message of loving without inhibition, insecurity, or restriction with your family in the children's edition. Everybody, Always for Kids will get your children excited about being themselves, caring for others, and making a difference in the world.

    Bob Goff's magnetic spirit and hilarious wit, alongside his daughter Lindsey Goff Viducich's love and understanding of children, shine through each story in Everybody, Always for Kids. Bob and Lindsey share:

    • Forty inspiring stories paired with fun artwork perfect for listeners, ages six to 10
    • Childlike wonder they've experienced in their regular day to day lives - using a walkie-talkie to talk to a neighbor, swapping places with a limo driver, pretending to be a wax figure, and carrying a bucket around everywhere
    • How embracing others is the key to living a happier life

    As the extraordinary success of Love Does, Love Does for Kids, and Everybody, Always shows, Goff's trademark storytelling about unconditional love resonates with every generation as we seek to bring light, laughter, and abundant grace to today's world.

    ©2021 Bob Goff, Lindsey Goff, Diane Le Feyer (P)2021 Thomas Nelson
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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