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  • Every Colour of You

  • The gorgeous, heart-warming love story readers can't stop talking about
  • De : Amelia Mandeville
  • Lu par : Emily Atack
  • Durée : 6 h et 57 min

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Every Colour of You

De : Amelia Mandeville
Lu par : Emily Atack
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    What happens when someone who lives every day to the full meets someone who can only see reasons to stop living?

    We had a story - short, but not a simple one. I couldn't stay here and explain it all to you. If you really want to know, you'll have to take time out of your day.

    You'll have to listen to it....

    Zoe's life is full of colour. A fan of impromptu yoga, inspirational quotes and experimenting with hair dye, she's on a mission to make the most of each and every day - even if she is currently spending most of her time behind a checkout till.

    Then she meets Tristan. The rumour is that since his dad died, Tristan's life has fallen apart. No one has seen him for months. But now he's reappeared, does that mean he's back to 'normal'?

    Zoe soon realises Tristan is struggling with a sadness that she can't possibly understand and becomes determined to bring a world of colour back into his life. But the harder she tries, the more she realises it's something she can't fix - and in trying to put him back together, a part of her is beginning to fall apart....

    Heartbreaking, heart-healing and a story you won't want to end, Amelia Mandeville's unforgettable debut is a love story with a difference, for fans of Me Before You, The Summer of Impossible Things and Giovanna Fletcher.

    ©2018 Amelia Mandeville (P)2018 Hachette Audio UK

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