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Couverture de Everspell


De : Donna Grant
Lu par : Louisa Jane Underwood
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    New York Times best-selling author Donna Grant “skillfully melds history and legend” (RT Book Reviews) in a brand new series - The Kindred.

    To live in the light, they hunt in the dark....

    Runa is used to mysteries. Fortunately, she’s skilled at using those things to her advantage. Until some truths about her past are revealed and her world is shaken to its very core. Now, she has her sights set on finding and saving the family she’s never known. What wasn’t in her plans is the sexy, mysterious stranger who seems to find her over and over, taking her breath every time.

    All his life, Brom knew he’d eventually have to find the Varroki and take his birthright. Then a witch lays out a nearly impossible choice before him, and Brom decides to follow his heart. The beautiful and enigmatic female he’s drawn to is more than captivating. She makes him want to reveal all his secrets. But doing so could be the difference between life and death - for both of them. Especially in the battle between good and evil where all of the relics of the First Witch are in play - and everyone has a hidden agenda. 

    ©2020 Donna Grant (P)2020 Recorded Books

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