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Couverture de Everi: Darkness Descending

Everi: Darkness Descending

De : Averi Jaye
Lu par : Freddie Heinz
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    In medieval Everi, Prince Hannar’s 20th name day celebrations herald major changes in the kingdom of Sokol. Between the heir prince's hunt for an animal companion, his marriage, and the crowning, he breaks traditions. 

    On the evening of his wedding, his parents are murdered by the dark Mage King Froi, who wishes to cover the world in darkness. Prince Hannar has to find the weapon to fight the darkness and bring light to the world, creating a new empire for Everi.

    Reciting a bedtime story to his little brother, Prince Hannar realizes the weapon he needs is the armor of the first king of Sokol, King Dover. He sets out on his mission to reclaim the armor and find the key to bringing the light to the world. King Froi hires assassins and kidnappers to threaten the new royal family as they face the trials and guardians protecting each piece of armor. 

    Prince Hannar’s failure to retrieve the armor or find the light will cost him more than his kingdom. Protecting those he cares for, Prince Hannar must steel his nerves and use his surrounding companions to survive the trials and assassination attempts.

    ©2019 Tammy Jeannice (P)2020 Tammy Jeannice

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