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  • European History

  • An Enthralling Guide to the Story of Europe, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment (Exploring the Past)
  • De : Billy Wellman
  • Lu par : Jay Herbert
  • Durée : 14 h et 41 min

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European History

De : Billy Wellman
Lu par : Jay Herbert
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    Three manuscripts in one audiobook:

    • History of Europe: An Enthralling Overview of Major Events and Figures in Europe’s Past
    • The Renaissance: An Enthralling Guide to a Period of Rebirth in Arts, Science and Culture
    • The Enlightenment: An Enthralling Guide to a Period of Scientific, Political, and Philosophical Discourse in European History

    History of Europe: Unveiling the Continent's Legacy

    • Discover the Foundations: From the ruins of ancient Greece to the majestic Roman Empire, explore the pivotal events and figures that have shaped Europe.
    • Warriors and Innovators: Walk in the footsteps of legends like Julius Caesar and visionaries like Leonardo da Vinci
    • Cultural Mosaic: Journey through the diverse cultural landscapes of Europe, where art, music, and literature intertwine to tell the story of humanity.

    The Renaissance: A New Dawn of Human Achievement

    • Artistic Revival: Experience the flourishing of arts, where Michelangelo and Raphael redefined beauty.
    • Scientific Breakthroughs: Witness the revolutionary discoveries of Galileo and Newton, as they challenge the heavens.
    • Birth of Humanism: Delve into the intellectual movement that emphasized the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively.

    The Enlightenment: Illuminating the Path to Modernity

    • Age of Reason: Uncover the ideals of liberty, progress, and tolerance that enlightened minds like Voltaire and Kant championed.
    • Fight for Freedom: Trace the footsteps of revolutionaries who dismantled monarchies to birth democracies.
    • Knowledge and Progress: From the scientific advancements to the advocacy of women's rights.

    Click the “add to cart” button now and unlock the door to Europe's magnificent past, vibrant present, and promising future!

    ©2024 Billy Wellman (P)2024 Billy Wellman

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