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  • Ethereum: Ethereum Investing, Programming, Mining, Blockchains, and Smart Contracts

  • Complete User’s Guide for 2018
  • De : Gordon Summers
  • Lu par : Kevin Carlson
  • Durée : 1 h et 43 min

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Couverture de Ethereum: Ethereum Investing, Programming, Mining, Blockchains, and Smart Contracts

Ethereum: Ethereum Investing, Programming, Mining, Blockchains, and Smart Contracts

De : Gordon Summers
Lu par : Kevin Carlson
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    Decentralized platforms like Bitcoin changed cryptocurrency forever, but Ethereum is going to change so much more.

    Before you can successfully mine and invest in Ethereum, you need to understand where it came from, how it works, and how it's different than Bitcoin.

    The founder of Ethereum wanted to create a blockchain that could incorporate applications and not just currency. He made Ethereum, which has a more complex code and system of "tokens", which represent anything of value, not just Ether, which is the fuel that Ethereum uses. Using Ethereum is similar to other cryptocurrencies, with its system of keys and wallets.

    If you've never used Bitcoin before, this audiobook walks you through what you need to know to set up an Ethereum wallet and start collecting Ether. You have a private and public key; the private key is just for your use and lets the blockchain know who you are, while the public key is an address that people can send Ether to. The wallet stores the key and gives you access to your Ether. There are lots of types of wallets, so you'll learn about the best options, and how to buy and send Ether.

    Security is a major issue with Ethereum, so you need to know what risks you're taking and how to keep your account safe.

    You can lose your Ether in a variety of ways, like by simply losing your private key, or when the exchange you're using collapses. To keep your Ether secure, you need to consider cold storage (keeping your Ether offline), choosing the right exchange, and keeping your email super secure. This is stuff you need to know. You can never be too careful when it comes to Ethereum security.

    One way you can collect Ether is to mine it, and this audiobook explains exactly how to do that. If you want to be on the forefront of technology and learn about how the future will be powered by the blockchain and Ethereum, get this audiobook and get ahead of the crowd.

    ©2017, 2018 Gordon Summers (P)2017 Gordon Summers
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