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  • Essential Oils Mastery

  • The Complete Guide to Natural Healing with the Power of Essential Oils
  • De : Carla Jones
  • Lu par : Layce Gardner
  • Durée : 5 h et 21 min

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Essential Oils Mastery

De : Carla Jones
Lu par : Layce Gardner
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    How essential oils can change your life, even if you’ve never heard of them.

    Finally, an easy-to-use and all-inclusive guide to essential oils. In this audiobook, you are going to learn eye-opening secrets about why you should be using essential oils, and how to use them. This audiobook will open doors to a happier, more peaceful and well-rested life, teaching you exactly what oils you need to improve enjoyment in every aspect of your life....

    Unlike other nonsense-filled and fad books on health and beauty oils, we make life easy for you by offering idiot-proof explanations to why you should use essential oils, by giving step-by-step and simplistic instructions on how you can begin using them today.

    Here’s what you’ll uncover:

    • How you can minimize stress and anxiety by uncovering the newly improved, easy-to-follow oil blends.
    • Why you’ll never deal with another migraine or headache again after discovering our oil blends.
    • Why you should always pay attention to the purity of the oils you use.
    • How you can effortlessly get the skin and face you dream of with our quick and easy beauty and health recipes.
    • How to get maximum effectiveness from your oils by learning the places you should apply it.
    • The one thing you must never do when applying oils and why.
    • Begin to sleep like never before with our essential oil recipes.

    And much, much more...

    Don’t know what essential oils are? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Our new guide comes with all the essentials you would ever need to get started. We cover the very basics of essential oils so you will never feel left behind by the material, which is complemented by our straightforward explanations.

    Already been using oils for years? Great. Our extensive guide may be exactly what you need to take your beauty game to the next level with advanced, expert secrets that you have never heard before.

    Aren’t there any side effects?

    Yes, there are side effects to using essential oils. But only when they are misused. Our all-natural essential oil guides with no harmful chemicals can completely minimize the risk involved in using essential oils, meaning you can have complete peace of mind when enhancing your beauty.

    Are they difficult to use?

    Not with our all-inclusive step by step guide. Like I have already said, we outline the exact steps involved in creating and applying your essential oils. So you don’t have to worry about the hassle and stress, so you can focus on what matters most - which is your own self-confidence.

    Am I too old/young for this?

    No. The chemicals involved in creating essential oils are perfect for anyone for any age. Whether you’re 18 years old and want to get rid of pimples and acne, or whether you're 60+ and want to reverse the aging process, we have oils that are perfect for you.

    Would you like to know more? Get this audiobook now to get started!

    ©2019 Carla Jones (P)2020 Carla Jones

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