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  • Escaping on the Danube River: A WW2 Historical Novel, Based on a True Story of a Jewish Holocaust Survivor

  • World War II Biographical Fiction, Book 1
  • De : Shmuel David
  • Lu par : Ric Chetter
  • Durée : 13 h et 6 min

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Couverture de Escaping on the Danube River: A WW2 Historical Novel, Based on a True Story of a Jewish Holocaust Survivor

Escaping on the Danube River: A WW2 Historical Novel, Based on a True Story of a Jewish Holocaust Survivor

De : Shmuel David
Lu par : Ric Chetter
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    Escaping on the Danube River is their only hope for survival.

    Europe, 1939. Hanne is an adolescent boy, born into a wealthy family from Belgrade. Realizing the Nazi threat is advancing toward the Balkans with giant strides, his parents are prepared to do anything to save their son’s life. The road to survival, however, is not easy.

    Just as Europe’s gates are about to shut down, Hanne and 1,100 other youths sail away on the Danube River. On board the ship, under appalling living conditions, Hanne falls in love with Inge, a young German Jewish girl.

    Soon, their love intensifies, and with it, the desire to build a new life together in the land of Israel. But their journey for survival is becoming increasingly difficult with each passing day. When promises of a boat that should take them to the Black Sea prove false and Nazi army forces are right around the corner, their plan for escape is in real danger.

    What fate awaits Hanne and Inge? Will they be able to make the dream they share a reality?

    ©2020 eBookPro (P)2020 eBookPro

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