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Couverture de Escaping Ordinary

Escaping Ordinary

De : Scott Reintgen
Lu par : Nancy Wu
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    In this action-packed sequel to Saving Fable perfect for fans of The Land of Stories and The Phantom Tollbooth, Indira finds herself thrown into a quest full of dragons, unlikely allies, and high stakes.

    It's been a year since Indira rescued the city of Fable and landed a starring role in a story of her own. Now Indira's ready for a well-earned vacation. 

    Too bad her advisors have other plans. In preparation for her story's sequel, Indira has been enrolled in the Hero's Journey tutorial, a quest designed to teach her how to be a team player. Indira's assigned crew is a mix of familiar faces and new friends, each hoping to follow in her footsteps into a story. 

    Indira is ready for this new challenge - until someone crashes their quest. The intruder is more powerful than anyone she's faced before and begins transforming Ordinary into a giant video game. Indira's team will have to level up and outplay their opponent, or else the world's most beloved stories might be lost forever.

    ©2020 Scott Reintgen (P)2020 Listening Library


    "A delightful read." (Kirkus Reviews)

    "A worthy follow-up to a standout series opener." (School Library Journal)

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