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Couverture de Erased


De : Marilee Strong
Lu par : Deb Thomas
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    Based on five years of investigative reporting and research into forensic psychology and criminology, Erased presents an original profile of a widespread and previously unrecognized type of murder: not a hot-blooded, spur-of-the-moment crime of passion, as domestic homicide is commonly viewed, but a cold-blooded, carefully planned, and methodically executed form of erasure. These crimes are often committed by men with no criminal record or history of violence whatsoever, men leading functional and often successful lives until the moment they kill the women, and sometimes children, they claimed to love. A surprising number go on to kill a second or even third wife or girlfriend, often in exactly the same way. 

    In more than 50 chilling case studies, Marilee Strong examines the strange and complex psychology that drives these killers, from the murder a century ago that inspired the novel An American Tragedy to Scott Peterson, Mark Hacking, Jeffrey MacDonald, Ira Einhorn, Charles Stuart, Robert Durst, Michael White, Barton Corbin, and many others. Erased also looks at how these men manipulate the legal system and exploit loopholes in missing persons procedures and death investigation, exposing how easy it can be to get away with murder.

    ©2009 Marilee Strong (P)2009 Audible, Inc.


    "With its blend of novelistic journalism and concise psychiatric research, Strong's exposé will appeal to more than just true crime fans." (Publishers Weekly)

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