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Couverture de Enzo: The Wolves Den

Enzo: The Wolves Den

De : Serena Simpson
Lu par : Sara Brodt
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    Could they hospitalize her, because of the voices in her head? Every day, they grew louder, and she grew more concerned. If that wasn’t enough, she needed a job and a place to live pronto. None of that seemed to be happening fast enough to keep her off the street.

    Enzo crashed to earth with his battalion 400 years ago; now his life was avoiding the government and taking care of his people. He never expected Deja to be able to breach the barrier and stand on the doorstep of his club looking for a job. His carefully planned life was going up in smoke, and each new day was now better than the last.

    Neither of them realized she was being hunted by both humans, as well as other aliens. There was a battle brewing, and the only thing they had to fight with was the love growing between them. Deja told him love conquers all, he hoped she was right, but just in case he’d bring his beast to the fight.

    Welcome to The Wolves Den, where anything can happen.

    This book contains adult content; it is not recommended for listeners under the age of 18.

    ©2017 Serena Simpson (P)2023 Serena Simpson

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