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De : Mr. R.W. Gray
Lu par : Tyler Hyrchuck
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In his second collection of stories, author and filmmaker R.W. Gray (Crisp) once again finds the place where the beautiful, the strange, and the surreal all meet—sometimes meshing harmoniously, sometimes colliding with terrible violence, launching his characters into a redefined reality. A lovestruck man discovers the secret editing room where his girlfriend erases all her flaws; a massage artist finds that she can alleviate her clients’ pain in more ways than one; a beautiful man invites those who want him to do whatever they wish with his unconscious body; and a gay couple meets what appear to be the younger versions of themselves, and learns that history can indeed repeat itself.

©2015 R.W. Gray (P)2023 NeWest Press
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    “Writing about the body is difficult because bodies are difficult: they are beautiful and awkward, strong and vulnerable, and if they frame the soul, they also house a host of unspiritual urges. Entropic, R.W. Gray’s second collection of short stories after 2010’s Crisp, is all about the body, and Gray hones in on all of these contradictions with writing that is as visceral and demanding as its subject.”— Julienne Isaacs, The Winnipeg Review

    “The poetic, but otherworldly, stories of the Prince Rupert-reared and Fredericton-based author situate themselves at the far edges of realism, where normal routines and concerns bleed into the unsteady ground of their shadowy counterparts.”—Brett Joseph Grubisic, The Vancouver Sun

    “[W]hen Gray is good he's very good, his modern parables peeling off layers of convention to get at subconscious truths, submerged archetypes, and emotions.”—Alex Good, Quill & Quire

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