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Couverture de Enticing an Angel

Enticing an Angel

De : Leo Charles Taylor
Lu par : Jodi Stapler
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    Michael Angel is the oldest of five brothers, all of whom are unwed, a fact which displeases their mother immensely. Susan Angel is a determined mother who chooses her eldest son as the starting point of her quest to see her children wed. However, when he falls for the wrong girl, an artistic free spirit who enraptures his soul, the family begins to fall from the control of the matriarch.

    Melanie Price is certainly not Mrs. Angel's first choice for her professional and upstanding son, Michael. And while she attempts to separate the lovers, her boys will all begin to fall under the spell of the little energetic and fun loving pipsqueak who has entered their lives. From the hardened construction worker, to the brooding EMT, the widower, and the emotionally scarred, the Angel boys will begin to see in Melanie a hope that perhaps having a woman in your life is something to be desired.

    ©2014 Leo Charles Taylor (P)2015 Leo Charles Taylor

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