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  • Entering the Mind of the Tracker

  • Native Practices for Developing Intuitive Consciousness and Discovering Hidden Nature
  • De : Tamarack Song
  • Lu par : Tamarack Song
  • Durée : 8 h et 35 min

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Entering the Mind of the Tracker

De : Tamarack Song
Lu par : Tamarack Song
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    Training methods for tracking and wilderness observation woven into extraordinary real-life stories of intuitive animal-reading skills.

    • Explains technical tracking methods and observational skills such as shadowing and envisioning through the innermost thoughts of an accomplished native tracker.
    • Reveals how to track by expanding your awareness and consciousness to become one with the animal you are tracking.
    • Shares stories of tracking wolves, bears, deer, cougars, and many other animals.

    Stepping beyond the shape of a footprint and into the unseen story of the track, veteran wilderness guide Tamarack Song takes you inside the eyes and mind of an intuitive tracker, with intimate stories where Frogs show the way out of the woods, scat reveals life histories, and bears demonstrate how to find missing people.

    Drawing from his years of surviving in the wild, apprenticing to native elders, and living with a family of wolves, Tamarack reveals how to achieve a level of perception like that of aboriginal trackers by becoming one with the animal you are tracking, whether fox, deer, coyote, or cougar. Sharing his innermost thoughts while following track and sign, the book’s adventures merge technical tracking methods with skills such as shadowing and envisioning, while demonstrating animal-reading skills considered outside the human realm. The author explains how to expand your awareness - to learn from nature by becoming nature - and tap in to the intuitive tracking consciousness each of us has inherited from our Paleolithic ancestors.

    Through his stories from the trail, Tamarack shows the art of tracking not simply as a skill for hunters and naturalists but as a metaphor for conscious living. By exploring the intricacies of the natural world, we explore not only our connections to the world around us but also our internal landscapes. We learn to better express ourselves and listen, meet our needs, and help others. Intuitive tracking provides a path to finding ourselves, becoming one with all life, and restoring humanity’s place in the Great Hoop of Life.

    ©2013 Tamarack Song. All Rights Reserved. (P)2019 Inner Traditions Audio. All Rights Reserved.


    Entering the Mind of the Tracker is one of those rare works that captures the essence of nature by exploring its tiniest (and most profound) nuances. Tamarack Song has written what will help achieve one of the most important needs of human beings today - reconnecting with the Earth.” (Les Stroud, star of the hit TV show Survivorman and author of Survive! Essential Skills and Tactics)

    “A deeply moving book, wonderfully written; brings home the tremendous beauty of depth perception of the natural world and the exquisite intelligence and sensitivity of our kin - the Wolves. It opens up the possibility for us to read the world around us through the sense perception born within us, and opens up the potential for us to reinhabit the world.” (Stephen Harrod Buhner, author of The Secret Teachings of Plants and Ensouling Language)

    Entering the Mind of the Tracker beautifully demonstrates that outdoor skills are best learned through a deep understanding of environment. Tamarack Song imparts knowledge in a way that is both lyrical and philosophical.” (Tristan Gooley, expedition leader, author of The Natural Navigator)

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