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  • English: Fun Learning with One Liner Jokes for Spanish Speakers

  • De : Sarah Retter
  • Lu par : Steven Kumar
  • Durée : 46 min

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English: Fun Learning with One Liner Jokes for Spanish Speakers

De : Sarah Retter
Lu par : Steven Kumar
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    If you are a Spanish speaker, improving your English may be boring. So, get a break and begin to learn and have fun at the same time with the dirty, shorty, funny, sexy. one liner jokes you will find in this fun audiobook.

    All the one liners are translated sentence by sentence and are related to sex, women, and love relationships:

    • Dirty jokes
    • Sexy jokes
    • Witticisms
    • Funny quotes
    • Riddles
    • Wisecracks
    • Feminist jokes
    • Love jokes
    • Sexist jokes
    • Bad jokes
    • Funny proverbs

    They are all here. The best one-liners to show off in public and in private - the lines to which everybody wants to listen. Either in Spanish or in English.

    Surprise you love partner and friends with one-liner jokes they are going to adore! Download your copy now and start improving your English with joy and fun!

    ©2016 Unitexto LLC (P)2018 Unitexto Digital Publishing

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