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Couverture de Energy Fun Land: Wind Energy

Energy Fun Land: Wind Energy

De : Haydar Witwit, Sally Rita Witwit
Lu par : Jo Osman
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    Energy Fun Land series is a new, simple and fun way to learn about energy. It is an introductory series to energy concepts, authored by Haydar Witwit and Sally Rita Witwit. 

    The series introduces the learner to definitions and types of energy for teachers and parents to define energy for kids, aged five to seven. It will be a complicated process, since their understanding of certain terminologies has not yet developed or been exercised by most schools at this point. 

    To implement the definition of layman words (the ability to work) will be misleading and difficult. So, teachers should emphasize on easy-to-understand explanation for terms like property of material, potential, movement, motion, transfer, transform, create, finite, infinite, source, and renewable resources. This will help pave the path to comprehend the basic definition of energy. 

    This audiobook has been authored and designed to stimulate the aforementioned age groups to start questioning what energy is by providing introductory environment of types of energy. However, this book will not indulge in depth into these terms.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2019 Haydar Witwit (P)2019 Haydar Witwit
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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