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Couverture de Enemy of the State

Enemy of the State

De : Robert Swartwood
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    From USA Today bestselling author Robert Swartwood comes Enemy of the State, the propulsive, thrilling, and much anticipated follow-up to The Killing Room

    The world believed Daniel Burke was dead.

    At least, the few people in the government who knew he existed did. Once part of an elite black ops team, Burke faked his death so he could avenge his brother. Now that those responsible have been brought to justice, he plans to leave the country and start a new life.

    But before Burke can even get on the plane, his old team has tracked him down.

    The CIA believes Daniel Burke is a traitor—an enemy of the state—who must answer for his crimes. But others in government simply want him dead.

    Knowing he’s been set up, Burke is the only one who can track down and expose the real traitor—before it’s too late.

    ©2024 Robert Swartwood (P)2024 Blackstone Publishing

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