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Couverture de End the Con

End the Con

De : Tom Kawczynski
Lu par : Jeff Winston
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    End the Con: A Plan to Take Back Our America represents a set of ideas and actions needed if we are to better America today and preserve the country into the future. Driven by four key beliefs: nationalism - that government should serve our people; populism - that the desires of the people should matter; traditionalism - that government should defend our identity and heritage; and realism - government must deal with real problems by offering solutions which will work, Kawczynski puts out the platform needed to recover America. 

    Calling out corruption at every level, in both parties, and in the corrupt consensus that has run Washington, DC into the ground, Tom does not shy from controversial conversations and bold solutions. Leaving the Middle East to focus on our security, shutting down immigration altogether so we can integrate the people already here, and ending the Federal Reserve to return money to the US Treasury offer just the first taste of ideas included within. It is the campaign nobody else will consider because of the influence of donors and media, but which so many Americans know is necessary to take back our government for our people.

    ©2019 Tom Kawczynski (P)2019 Tom Kawczynski

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