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  • Empowerment Amidst Chaos

  • Master Any Moment with Creativity and Grace
  • De : Kathleen Joy
  • Lu par : De Anna Kaye
  • Durée : 4 h et 29 min

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Couverture de Empowerment Amidst Chaos

Empowerment Amidst Chaos

De : Kathleen Joy
Lu par : De Anna Kaye
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    Empowerment Amidst Chaos helps you discover the potential that disruption can offer and how to capitalize on it for yourself and those you serve.

    Through a unique and creative series of conversations, you will:

    • Understand the territory of chaos and order.
    • Learn how to frame and explore a worthy quest.
    • Gain new perspectives and data for better choices.
    • Learn to leverage your multiple intelligences.
    • Get invaluable tools for navigating personal and professional desires or challenges.
    • Increase your compassion for yourself and others.

    Empowerment Amidst Chaos is an essential roadmap to those called forth to be of service in dynamic and unpredictable times.

    ©2023 Kathleen Joy (P)2023 Kathleen Joy


    Empowerment Amidst Chaos has a unique blend of merging personal, mindful wisdom with professional insight, to allow me to navigate through challenging times.” (Dario Spina, CMO, Paramount Brand Studio)

    “Kathleen’s work has helped me to better navigate with grace and calm. I feel like I am a better human and a more effective agent of change because of this work.” (Violet Abtahi, COO Enya, Inc., Boba Network)

    "With her trademark wit and formidable insight, Kathleen Joy has penned a Standard Operating Guide for humans navigating life's inevitable chaos. This book is essential reading for earthlings wishing to ride the waves of transition and turmoil." (Dr. Seema Yasmin, Emmy award-winning journalist and author of What the Fact?! Finding the Truth in All the Noise)

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