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  • Emotional Intelligence 2.0

  • A Practical Guide to Master Your Emotions. Stop Overthinking and Discover the Secrets to Increase Your Mental Toughness, Self Discipline and Leadership Abilities
  • De : Theresa Williams
  • Lu par : Lauren Gobes
  • Durée : 3 h et 55 min

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Emotional Intelligence 2.0

De : Theresa Williams
Lu par : Lauren Gobes
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    Why are so many people with high IQs and excellent academic achievements unsuccessful in life?

    Why do some people build social relationships with ease while others seem incapable of doing so?

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where anxiety and fear overwhelm you to the point that you freeze up or are unable to make the right decision?


    In today's society, it is believed that a person with great academic achievements and a high IQ has it easy and will certainly be successful in life. But in many cases, getting good grades in college or having a high IQ is not strictly linked to success.

    It seems strange but it’s the reality of things.

    In fact, the vast majority of successful people didn’t do so well in school.

    EI is a type of intelligence that very few know and consider but it is one of the most important for our well-being.

    With the methods explained in the book, you will be able to develop this type of intelligence, thus changing your life! You will finally understand how to relate to others in the best way possible by always making the wisest decisions in every area of your life without letting negative emotions take over.

    This book is for:

    - Those who want to increase work productivity.

    - Those who want to reduce anxiety and stress as well as the risk of suffering from disorders such as depression;

    - Those who would like to know themselves better and make better decisions

    - Those who want to more fully enjoy their relationships.

    - Those who want to use empathy to better understand others’ moods

    - Those who want to improve social relations and control anger;

    - And much more…

    Don’t worry, it’s not your usual academic textbook full of complex terms. This book will give you the right strategies in a simple and challenging way.

    If you want to discover the power of Emotional Intelligence and finally control your emotions, Get This Book NOW!

    ©2023 Theresa Williams (P)2023 Theresa WIlliams

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