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Couverture de Emily and Tristan: How Friends Can Make a Difference

Emily and Tristan: How Friends Can Make a Difference

De : Martha Begley Schade
Lu par : Martha Begley Schade
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    When Emily the cute cat comes across the grumpy and accident prone Tristan the owl, she notices how few friends he has to help him out. So she decides to be a friend and show him caring. The incremental changes she helps him make with his lifestyle choices make a huge difference. A story of friendship and love.

    Galway Fairytales are a range of books that aim to nurture children's wellbeing through Irish storytelling. These books enable discussions on topics such as bullying, friendships, kindness, teamwork, finding your source of good guidance in life, persevering as a friend, the importance of saying sorry and owning up to wrongdoing, the limits to pranking others, social inclusion, family breakups and coping with anxiety.

    Emily and Tristan is the fifth book of the Merlin Woods Series.

    Social-emotional learning through enjoyable Irish stories.

    "If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales." Albert Einstein

    ©2020 Martha Begey Schade (P)2024 Martha Begley Schade

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