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Couverture de Emerald Collection 2

Emerald Collection 2

De : Harriet Muncaster
Lu par : Eloise Mignon
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    Emerald and the Lost Treasure: Emerald's class are spending the day sea combing-picking up human rubbish that ends up on the ocean floor. When Emerald finds a precious teddy lying in a clump of seaweed, she's tempted to keep it for herself, but the tag says it belongs to a human called Jack. Emerald asks her land-loving friend, Isadora Moon, and Isadora's cousin, Mirabelle, to help her return it and together they embark on an exciting adventure across the land and sea!

    Emerald and the Runaway Royal: Emerald's mum and stepdad King Auster are busy preparing for a very important visit from another royal family – The Seadragons! Emerald is on her best 'princess-like' behaviour even though she'd much rather be wearing her comfy clothes, hanging out with her friends and pet Octopus, Inkibelle. When Prince Mola Seadragon takes a Manta Ray from the royal stable and runs away, Emerald follows. On an adventure across Scallop City, Emerald and Mola discover they have much more in common than they thought.

    ©2024 Harriet Muncaster (P)2024 Bolinda Publishing
    • Série : Emerald, Volume 2-3
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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