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Couverture de Embracing in His Grace

Embracing in His Grace

De : Pam J. Sherbia
Lu par : John Warren Hart
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    We have all experienced dark places at some point in our lives. If you haven't, just keep living; it's bound to come your way. One thing is for sure: You never have to stay there, nor do you ever have to feel alone. When you have God in your life, He will be the light at the end of the tunnel, that is, if you allow Him to. He can heal, deliver, and restore you better than you were before.

    Embracing in His Grace will empower you and give you the strength, courage, and determination to get through the adversities you may embrace in your life--whether it's cancer or some other disease that threatens your life. I was determined to be like "the tree planted by the water. I shall not be moved. I shall not die, but I shall live" (Psalm 1:3, in my own words).I hope that this book will touch your heart miraculously. I pray that it will help you better understand how one thinks, feels, and operates day-to-day while living with cancer (especially if you are a caregiver or someone who has a loved one going through this dreadful disease). I pray that God will give you the courage, if you're on a cancer journey, to never give up. For He will never give up on you.

    ©2023 Pam J Sherbia (P)2024 Pam J Sherbia

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