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  • Embracing Bewilderment

  • A Reluctant Entrepreneur’s Journey: An Unconventional European Summer Twisting into a Mind-Bending Excursion Through Southeast Asia
  • De : Cory Mortensen
  • Lu par : Sean "DrC" Cordry
  • Durée : 6 h et 52 min

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Embracing Bewilderment

De : Cory Mortensen
Lu par : Sean "DrC" Cordry
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    CORY MORTENSEN shares his wanderlust with his listeners as he embarks on a new voyage, starting this adventure among the unique and diverse landscapes of Iceland. He explores the historic and amazing off-the-beaten-path wonders of different cultures and beautiful vistas throughout Europe, making friends, facing unexpected dangers, and gaining perspective among Europe’s many hidden surprises.

    When a quick call home results in a detour to Hong Kong to help his uncle with a business deal, it led to a diversion to Southeast Asia and the Philippines. From wise fortune tellers to huge killer bees to automatic weapons to magnificent foods and customs, this part of the journey was among the most unfamiliar and curious of the foreign lands.


    Navigating between supreme adventure and unwanted obligations, straddling the surreal and the real, Cory chose his own adventure. All he needed was his passport, a 70-lb pack crammed with all his worldly possessions, a very flexible schedule, and the insatiable desire to roam freely.

    ©2024 Cory Mortensen (P)2024 Cory Mortensen

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