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  • Embrace Your Sixties: A New Life for Aging Women, Older Women and Wild Crones

  • Let's Rethink
  • De : Lesley Paterson
  • Lu par : Yvette Deschamps
  • Durée : 4 h et 8 min

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Embrace Your Sixties: A New Life for Aging Women, Older Women and Wild Crones

De : Lesley Paterson
Lu par : Yvette Deschamps
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    As you approach your sixties, does the idea of becoming an older women depress you and fill you with dread?

    Fear not—this can be the very best decade of your life!

    Aging is not fun. It can be a very difficult time as we see our bodies changing, as we realize we are saying goodbye to our youth. It can be a time of grieving. However, it can also be a time when we experience our greatest freedom. It can be a time when we finally get to do what we really want to do and be who we want to be.

    This book will inspire you to live your healthiest, most fulfilling, most enjoyable decades as you age.

    • Be inspired to be healthy, strong and full of vitality.
    • Be inspired to love your body, to take great care of it, to treat it with the respect it deserves.
    • Be inspired by the Blue Zones of the world where people live very healthy, energetic lives well into their nineties and find out how they do it.
    • Be inspired by the research that says older women are at their happiest time of life.
    • Be inspired to unleash the hidden you, to set free your inner wild woman, your artist, your adventurer.
    • Be inspired to rediscover your inner sensual goddess.
    • Be inspired to grab this stage of life by the horns and do all those things you never got to do while caring for everyone else.
    • Be inspired by the mythology that said older women were wise, knowledgeable, highly respected members of society.

    There is a new life for aging women if they just take advantage of this third stage of life.

    In this sympathetic and insightful guide based on the author's own experience of her sixties and written especially for women like you, you'll be inspired to do just that!

    ©2024 Lesley Paterson (P)2024 Lesley Paterson

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