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Couverture de Ember and Stone

Ember and Stone

De : Megan O'Russell
Lu par : Alexandra Hunter
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    Ena never hoped for a peaceful life. She never dreamt she’d become a killer either.

    Ilbrea: A country mercilessly ruled by the seven Guilds where commoners struggle to survive—no one knows the cost of survival better than illegal healer Ena Ryeland. Ena is offered a life of freedom and a chance to fight the Guilds. But she can’t win the battle alone....

    A myth to guide her journey.

    A brother she thought she’d lost.

    A ghost to steal her fear.

    A man to steal her heart.

    An impossible enemy. A hope for freedom. Ena is the only one with a chance of fighting the Guilds—if she can survive long enough to try.

    Ember and Stone is an epic fantasy perfect for fans of Maas and Bardugo. If you’re ready for an epic love story, crave a dose of magic, and need an adventure to carry you away from the ordinary, join Megan O’Russell’s 350,000+ satisfied readers. Download Ember and Stone and begin your journey now!

    ©2019 Megan O'Russell (P)2023 Ink Worlds Press

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