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Couverture de Eloise


De : Judy Finnigan
Lu par : Anna Bentinck
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    The Sunday Times #1 bestseller

    Discover the debut novel from the iconic Richard & Judy book club champion

    ***Don't miss Judy Finnigan's heartrending new novel. ROSELAND is out in November 2023 and is available to pre-order now***

    'Romantic and rain-lashed. . . a stirring and intriguing read'
    Louise Candlish

    'Gripping . . . captures the mystery and menace of Cornwall in glorious gothic style'
    Liz Fenwick

    'Highly readable, incredibly moving . . . Eloise had me turning pages late into the night'
    Dorothy Koomson

    What secrets did she take to her grave?

    Eloise and Cathy have been best friends since childhood, growing up together against the idyllic backdrop of Eloise's family home on the Cornish coast. When Eloise dies after a long battle with breast cancer, Cathy is devastated.

    Cathy returns to Cornwall for the funeral, but soon begins to have disturbing dreams, implying that Eloise's death was not all it seems. With a history of depression, Cathy is only just recovering from a nervous breakdown and her husband Chris, a psychiatrist, is concerned that she is losing her grip on reality once again.

    Stung by her husband's scepticism, Cathy decides to explore Eloise's mysterious past. But as she is drawn ever deeper into her friend's great - and tragic - secret, Cathy soon finds herself in unimaginable danger.


    'A moving meditation on grief, family bonds, motherhood and female friendship.' Sunday Express
    'A haunting, pacy page-turner, with a real ghostly feel - a must read.' Fabulous Magazine
    'Impressive debut.' Woman & Home
    'A great first book from the Queen of the Book Club.' Essentials
    'A warm and promising debut.' Daily Mail
    'Judy deserves to be taken seriously as a writer of thoughtful, descriptive fiction.' Choice
    'The kind of book you shouldn't start if you don't want to stay up all night.' Western Daily Press
    'Haunting thriller.' Cornwall Today
    'Atmospheric, creepy and original, Judy has written a blinder of a first novel.' Sun
    'An assured first novel.' Choice magazine
    'Keeps you guessing.' Sidmouth Herald
    'Kept me glued to the pages until the very end.' Jersey Evening Post
    'An absorbing, thought-provoking tale of family skeletons, betrayal and the enduring spirit of friendship.' Good Book Guide
    ©2012 Judy Finnigan (P)2012 Hachette Digital

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