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  • Elemental Battleground

  • A LitRPG Academy Adventure (Shieldwall Academy, Book 3)
  • De : M. Zaugg
  • Lu par : J.S Arquin
  • Durée : 25 h et 29 min

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Elemental Battleground

De : M. Zaugg
Lu par : J.S Arquin
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    Ancient ruins and forbidden treasures. Cunning enemies and close knit allies. One student team on an expedition facing numberless hordes.

    Pax, the audacious street rat turned mage, leads his eclectic crew into the heart of the Northern Purge—a wilderness expedition teeming with monsters and political adversaries. They develop their forbidden elemental powers in a race to gain power before their adversaries can destroy them.

    A frantic search unearths the ancient light mage headquarters, a trove full of treasures and fraught with dangers. With enemies close behind them, Pax and his team, aided by a growing cadre of loyal pets, plunge into the heart of the hidden mysteries. Racing against time, they solve intricate puzzles, enlist allies, and confront guardians protecting the vital secrets and prizes they need to survive.

    Elemental Battleground is an adventure full of battles, concealed riches, and a building rebellion against a teetering empire. Pax has to stay ahead of his enemies if he wants to triumph. Can he and his friends gain power fast enough? Will the faltering and corrupt empire destroy him, or will the revolution in its midst succeed first? Time is running out.

    With over 1.5 million Royal Road views and counting, this epic LitRPG series is a must-hear for fans of action-packed fantasy. Dive into a world of magic, mystery, and rebellion today!

    Each book is 750+ pages and 20+ hours of Whispersync audio—click to delve into the saga!

    ©2024 Misty Zaugg (P)2024 Misty Zaugg

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