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Couverture de Eleanor Amplified and the Trouble with Mind Control

Eleanor Amplified and the Trouble with Mind Control

De : John Sheehan
Lu par : Tessa Netting
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    Based on the popular children's podcast, follow Eleanor Amplified as she teams up with middle-school reporter Miku to get the scoop and save the day!

    Join world-renowned investigative reporter Eleanor Amplified as she goes undercover to help a student reporter and fan, Miku Tangeroa, expose the corruption at her middle school. Together they discover that the new organic lunch program and tech-based learning systems are doing more harm than good and might actually be part of an evil plot that might put all of Union City in danger. Can Eleanor, Miku, and their friends get to the bottom of these suspicious events in time? Just who is behind SmartFüdz and the Mesmerosin Extractor? Will Eleanor survive the hallways - and students - of Brighton Middle School? Find out in the latest adventure of Eleanor Amplified!

    With radio-drama-like action, outrageous villains, and a tough, intelligent female protagonist to boot, listeners follow Eleanor and Miku as they foil devious plots and outwit crafty villains, all in pursuit of the big story. Written by John Sheehan, the creator of the popular podcast Eleanor Amplified, this entertaining and informative book, like the podcast, is intended to spark laughter and conversation, while preparing kids to appreciate journalism and make smart media choices in the future. With the help of Eleanor and Miku, listeners can use this novel as inspiration to go out and find the next big scoop for themselves!

    ©2021 John Sheehan (P)2021 Running Press Kids
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "Eleanor is the perfect hero for our time. She's fought a nefarious internet mega-company on its way to taking over the earth and beyond, and now she's helping her 7th grade protégé stand up to cliques and uncover a middle school mystery. Eleanor is a fearless investigative radio reporter who solves mysteries, unmasks villains, and foils their schemes. Make sure to check out the Eleanor Amplified podcast, if you haven't already. Tune in for the adventure and the fantastic cast and sound design. Stay to hear the Fresh Air team voicing the crowd scenes." (Terry Gross, Fresh Air with Terry Gross)

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