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Eight Realities: The Gospel Explained in Eight Simple Concepts

De : Mark W. Weaver
Lu par : Mark W. Weaver
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Once one begins to recognize the gospel for what it is, there is no turning back. The authentic gospel, the gospel rooted in reality, holds the seer in its grip. To behold the vast chasm between us created ones and the Uncreated One is to be changed. Moses saw Him and his face shone. Isaiah saw Him and unraveled in His presence. Paul saw Him and turned from a Christian hater to a Christian missionary.

Humanity pivots on the story of the virgin birth, the cross, and the resurrection. These are the seminal events by which every man's eternal dwelling place will be determined. The gospel is the hinge-pin of history, the moment between BC and AD, the continental divide in the grand metanarrative, the great story.

Find the gospel benchmarks. Note them. Study them. Make them your own. Read the gospel story. Make the gospel story your story. Look for the gospel story in other great stories. You will find it because it is a universal story. Allow the Holy Spirit to write the greatest story ever told upon your heart.

©2012 Mark W. Weaver (P)2013 Mark W. Weaver
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