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Edge of Reason

De : Victoria Rhodes
Lu par : Hollie Jackson
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Tessa still can't decide between her two lives. Her past is begging for her to come back. Her future is terrifying, and Tessa is in the middle, unsure about which to choose. Throw a stranger in the mix and things just get complicated.

When she doesn't make a decision Beth feels she waited long enough and leaves. Tessa is heartbroken but Beth has had enough. Tessa's parents don't help at all when she goes to them for advice, and this newfound friend is full of theoretical wisdom that is easier said than done.

When Tessa turns to Raymond as her best friend for help he comes on to her, telling her that he wants to try again. It's up to Tessa to make a choice once and for all, and to see if Beth might take her back. Or if she's moved on and found someone else.

©2015 Victoria Rhodes (P)2017 Victoria Rhodes
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